Saturday, April 9, 2011

Millennials and The Weather

Right now, I'm sitting in my suite writing this post. I can't help but think about the stereotype of the millennial playing on their computer, video game system or whatever electronic and the older generations saying that millennials don't like to 'play' outside. Recently there was just a commercial of three male teens playing video game's in a friends room, the mom turns off the power, and then the kids decide to play outside. Do millennial prefer to use electronics indoors more than going outside and enjoying the weather?

Just from my observations this week, no. I think that there is a balance. The first time it broke 45 degrees people were eating outside of proctor, sitting on couches that they took from their suite living rooms, and playing games on the lawn. It's finally beautiful out and it's great to see people outside. Even the people that bring their electronics outside is fine. Granted, I think the older generations were saying that we don't exercise outside as much as they did. But what does it matter? I think that our generation is just as playful and athletic as previous generations. Look at all of the reality competitions that are coming out that are focused on athletic things...and I'm talking about The Biggest Loser. If were aren't exercising as much, then we will find out in future Olympics when records stop being broken and athletes fail drug test because they are too lazy to work hard for muscle, which other generations used to gain the "all natural" way.

Anyway, back to my point, at Middlebury it appears that millennials are getting outdoors as quick as possible. Now, obviously i'm taking some liberties by neglecting to mention the types of people that come to Middlebury and using them to represent the millennial generation. But whatever, this is a pretty diverse campus and I think it's fair to use Midd as an example. Also, the other generation is makes sweeping generalizations, so why can't I...haha.


  1. Now, obviously i'm taking some liberties by neglecting to mention the types of people that come to Middlebury and using them to represent the millennial generation.

    I would have to highlight this point-- Midd does attracted a lot of already active and atheistic kids.

    In any sense I am beyond stoked for IM Softball-- the BEST part of Spring.

  2. Even though Middlebury kids may be more active and outdoorsy than the typical college student, I think most college campuses in cold locales are the same in that once the thermometer starts rising all students want to do is get outside and it gets much harder to sit inside and do work.
